This function downloads and combines the 'MeSH' (Medical Subject Headings) Thesaurus and a supplemental concept thesaurus. The data is sourced from specified URLs and stored locally for subsequent use. By default, the data is stored in a temporary directory. Users can opt into persistent storage by setting `use_persistent_storage` to TRUE and optionally specifying a path.

  path = NULL,
  use_persistent_storage = FALSE,
  force_install = FALSE



A character string specifying the directory path where data should be stored. If not provided and persistent storage is requested, it defaults to a system-appropriate persistent location managed by `rappdirs`.


A logical value indicating whether to use persistent storage. If TRUE and no path is provided, data will be stored in a system-appropriate location. Defaults to FALSE, using a temporary directory.


A logical value indicating whether to force re-downloading of the data even if it already exists locally.


A data.table containing the combined MeSH and supplemental thesaurus data.


# \donttest{
if (interactive()) {
  data <- data_mesh_thesaurus()
# }